Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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67440Dodge Wrote:Put a rear sway bar in my car.

Took a rear sway bar out of my car.

Took front end apart
Sounds like you work for the Gvt. LOL
Finally took it for a ride. It's been sitting since the trip to NJ last September! No charging gremlins so far with new voltage regulator. I am getting an occasional exhaust rattle when I pull up to stop signs.
I wonder if I have a weak motor mount?
Nice going Mark
Second day in a row I drove Max to work, sure feels good.

The engine is getting pretty loose and noisy so I don't expect it to last much longer. It has done very well.
It still pulls strong thou..
67440Dodge Wrote:It still pulls strong thou..

Thanks it is fun alright even worn out
Bought a 3 speed to go behind my 273.. front end almost all ready to go back together,
Worthless Without Pi
67440Dodge Wrote:Bought a 3 speed to go behind my 273.. front end almost all ready to go back together,

Worthless Without Pipopcorn
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Worthless Without Pi

Worthless Without Pipopcorn

ok.. you got me..

it's really a 18 spline out of a 69 Hemi GTX that was wrecked in the early 70's. Must have been an early build as the date code on the trans was early July 68. Story is the guy stripped the car after it got wrecked, and it sat on a shelf til the person I got it from bought it a few years ago. He's not a Mopar guy, so he had no idea what it was. Came with shifter and linkages, but no handle. For $450 I couldn't pass it up..