Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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I always liked the look of those emblems, my Dart came with 273fourbarrel
theman440 Wrote:Put these on (finally)

on 66, did those get placed there on 4bbl cars?

I've seen em there, and on the back part of the fender..
I think it's 440 vs 500 trim

Mine has them on the rear part of the front fender.
On the '66 440 models it went here, on the '66 500 models it goes beneath the "Coronet" script behind the wheel opening. Just to be clear - mine are not exactly in the correct position. This car was wrecked many years ago (by my uncle John) so these fenders are standard V8 fenders. I located the 4bbl emblems to cover up the "V8" holes. They should be down 1/2 inch and back so the left edge of the emblem is in-line with parting line between the 2 pieces of the side trim. When and if I ever get the car painted I'll correct it.
Thanks Jeff.. Friend of mine is doing a 66 500 and he put them on the front of the fender.
My 500 has the Coronet script in front of the wheel well, and the 383 in the back. Is this wrong?

I'm confused. (more than normal!)
Just me.. but the only time I've seen a 383 emblem on the front if the fender is on a car that was in a sales brochure and for the car show circuit. All the other ones I've seen had it on the rear.
ws27 Wrote:My 500 has the Coronet script in front of the wheel well, and the 383 in the back. Is this wrong?

I'm confused. (more than normal!)

Forgive me I made a mistake - your car is correct Rich. The Coronet script goes on the front on a 500.
I hate being wrong or giving out wrong info. Here is the correct emblem placement on a 500
I believe to be incorrect for a 500