Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Take a deep breath Richard just kidding.
Quote:They would all out of the box at my house Richard.
O know another major pile up on interstate5 call for back up . Calling all tow trucks!! Toys ....I mean cars everywhere..its horrible!!!!!!!

67r/t4speeder Wrote:Take a deep breath Richard just kidding.

You know Andy, statements like that can be dangerous, because I know people who know people who know people! Rofl


[Image: 1959-TheUntouchables.jpg]
ws27 Wrote:We need some pics of Jim's diorama here.

Thanks Rich. I guess we're already off topic at this point, so heres the link to more diorama pics.
theman440 Wrote:Removed, cleaned, detailed and reinstalled the ballast resistor and voltage regulator (then proceeded to buy a repro regulator) Removed the wiper motor, started to clean & detail. Ordered a new horn & start relays.
Wiper motor ready to be reinstalled.
Put on new wheel cylinder, brake hose, got the air out of the system, and took a couple of countryside test drives! Was fun but it was a hundred degrees out.
Elliott Ness and the "Untouchables"!!!!!!!!!!!
I got my relays in today! Looks like I'll be tinkering again tonite.
2500250125022503Finally got around to replacing the intake gaskets on my 318 poly. As you can see, someone used white silicone at the front & rear so I had a "2 drip a day" leak at the rear. NAPA got me the correct set, even came with RTV sealant, so I should be ok now - fingers crossed. I'm heading out to a cruise night tonight to give it a run. Pretty straightforward job but, egad, is that intake heavy.....!
Installed the wiper motor, removed the start & horn relays, cleaned & detailed the engine wire harness cleaned up parts of the firewall. Interesting note - the start & horn relays are the originals installed in Sept 1965 - 48 years old and they still work, just ugly.