Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Was this car sold new at Hodges Dodge?
Racer Brown Wrote:Was this car sold new at Hodges Dodge?

Yes. Sold by salesman "Atlas". Delivered 5-22-67! According to the original owners son it was on the showroom floor next to one of their race cars. I'd DIE if he had a picture of that!!!
Had all the original paperwork on display at the show.
Got brave enough to really crank up the buffer. I am officially done with the paint..... Getting ready for the new Year One dash harness. Ordered my GlenRay reproduction radiator (too long to wait to recore mine)

Love the medallion on the black vinyl top. Tops in general are a good look on certain cars. Lookin good Jim!
67RTBlue Wrote:Love the medallion on the black vinyl top. Tops in general are a good look on certain cars. Lookin good Jim!

Other than the color I have kept it 100% in 500 trim.
I really enjoy seeing your work Jim, thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Mark's 69 Wrote:I really enjoy seeing your work Jim, thanks for keeping us in the loop.

Have to admit it is a bit self serving. Having others give feedback helps keep me motivated get to the garage
that car is beautiful!
Looks awesome Jim. Sorry to bring this up, but you know, your wife was right! LOLRofl
ws27 Wrote:Looks awesome Jim. Sorry to bring this up, but you know, your wife was right! LOLRofl

Where is the middle finger icon?