Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Had to buff out some car marks that someone left when they sideswiped my passenger rear quarter! Fcking assholes.
Got 95% of it out without wet sanding. Thank god not dents!! I hate people!!!! I guess you can't drive your car to Target
and park it a mile away without some chocolate starfish still damaging your baby!!!! Piece of POS!!!!!


Damn let your anger out!!! LOL I hear ya though - you can park as far away from the 'general parking area' and some idiot STILL wants to park next to you ...SMH Glad it wasnt dented !
I bet they did it on purpose. Sorry to hear that.
I bought mine 2 weeks ago and now have it stripped down to the bare body from the dash back and joined this group today Smile Has been stored since 1984 with 88k on it.

Welcome Jim
Nice car !!!
Glad you found us!
Welcome to the group! Nice ride!


Nice car..Welcome!
Why do pics post sideways??? I have the same problem when posting.
Nice 68! I love finds like this!