Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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No fair Andy - lol
i probably could drive mine to work everyday but wouldn't ... i have to drive to public transportation and then take the train to work so my car would be sitting in the trian parking lot for about 10 hrs every day. NOT a good idea. Smile
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Drove it to work Smile
Rub it in why don't you.
Took the trans out..anxiously waiting for it to come back from rebuild lol..
[Image: null_zps4179e7cc.jpg]
Cleaned up the tranny fluid mine coronet leaks.
It's getting old!
Finished up adjusting the windows, installed all the convertible top seals. installed the drivers side wiper pivot (thanks Rich!) I washed the car and had zero leaks! - tried to wax it but it looks like I need to rub it out first. The family and I drove it to the local Sunday morning car show - there was 1 other Mopar there. It felt great to take Dad's car out so he could live a little on the 4th anniversary of his death.
I put in my new steering wheel.

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[Image: 9818009494_6f7d3f3d0b_b.jpg]
That interior sure is sharp!
Your new steering wheel looks fantastic, as does the rest of your interior! Cool
