Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Nice job -your tail panel Is one of the nicest I've seen.
Thanks, it's all original, too.
Nice work
Forgive me DCR members for it has been two weeks since I drove Max to work.

I drove it to work today to make up for it.
Now that the material for my garage is here, I finally got around to start tearing off the drywall so I could raise the roof. Dam, I have too much junk!! But by making more space I can get more junk!!
Ohh, A/C and a super size snow blower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe, more space always equal more junk, I've learned my lesson with almost 10,000 sq. ft.

BTW, I love the old cub cadet with the snow thrower, how does it work?
ws27 Wrote:Joe, more space always equal more junk, I've learned my lesson with almost 10,000 sq. ft.

BTW, I love the old cub cadet with the snow thrower, how does it work?

For a 1964 it works good. But it doesn't like the wet heavy snow. It's only a single stage, 48" single cylinder 16HP.
Lauri was all excited yesterday when she came in to work and told me her wagon turned 490,000. She drives it everyday to work and loves it.

I drove mine to work today also Smile.
Dam all i was able to do look at the R/T sitting in the garage.