Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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LOL... around our end of the country seagulls are so popular... (maybe it's because I live by the sea)... anyways, we call them dump-chickens- cause they hang around the dumps and peck like chickens (they also hang around McD's parking lots too come to think of it)... coincidence?.... I think not! Good thing you got that mess cleaned up quickly! thank goodness.
I'm in northern IN and we have massive amounts of seagulls and Canadian geese!!!!!!!!
Drove "Pinky's" car to work (last Thursday)

Nice going Jeff, you really did a great job on it.
Thanks Rich.
theman440 Wrote:Drove "Pinky's" car to work (last Thursday)

Fantastic Jeff!! I bet that was a great day. It looks so nice
theman440 Wrote:Drove "Pinky's" car to work (last Thursday)


Fantastic Jeff! A great looking Coronet indeed! Cool

Installed the passenger side door seal last night.
put the long headers on mine a couple weeks ago, between work and weather have not had much time to play with it. now it won't idle. it revs to beat the band, and sounds good, but won't keep an idle. keeps stalling. cleaned the carb many times, checked for vacuum leaks, nothing... holy 4bbl 8007.
Well if you went from stock manifolds to headers(and that's all you did) you may have made it to lean at idle to stay running.