Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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I freshened up the engine bay of my 66.
Yup, much, much better!!!!!!!!!!!!
7462]7463]Drove mine to car church this morning, this cool '67 GTA Mustang showed up. Also this million dollar '70 Hemi Cuda convertible. Last Sunday 2 Duesenbergs drove in, 1 model K and a Model J, one of 3 built and the only one left. Worth well over a million. How many million dollar cars do you get at your cruise-ins?
That GTA Mustang is SWEEEET!!!
I agree Andy! I owned a 65 small block, 4 speed hardtop and two 67 big block, 4 speed fastbacks many years ago and I still love the 1965 through 1968 Mustangs!

start drinking heavily

Order Hellcat
67440Dodge Wrote:start drinking heavily

Order Hellcat
I knew you would get scared of Max