Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Your daughter is skilled with the camera ! Great shots.
Thanks..Like Father like Daughter.. Wink
Last night re positioned alt and took off original a/c compressor and will replace with aftermarket aluminum one tucked under alt.

With that comes electric fuel pump and regulator.
Took the "Brick" out this weekend to the PSCA event at Las Vegas Motor Speedway and won the Calvert Racing Street Muscle class! I should be second in points now and closed the gap on first. Now on to the final race in 2 weeks @ Fontana to take the Championship!
Excellent Jeff! Any pictures?

Saw that on Facebook Jeff, congrats.
Replaced the seized fan clutch. I had a hard time finding one that would fit due to the Summit radiator I'm running. I'm not sure where I got the one I was using but I couldn't find any part number on it and the suggested ones were too long. I found a link to Hayden that has all the dimensions and went with a 2705 that fit nicely.
That looks like a good one Mark
Mark's 69 Wrote:Replaced the seized fan clutch. I had a hard time finding one that would fit due to the Summit radiator I'm running. I'm not sure where I got the one I was using but I couldn't find any part number on it and the suggested ones were too long. I found a link to Hayden that has all the dimensions and went with a 2705 that fit nicely.

Excellent information for all of us who run custom thicker radiators Mark, thank you! I will look into these for my 66 Coronet 500 and it's custom radiator and fan assembly clearance issues as well! Cool

Almost forgot , drove Max to work today.