Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Love the stripes!
Nice work Jim
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Nice work Jim

Thanks, it is sure a lot of work... Smile
I see a blue theme here!
Your car is really coming along nicely. Could I leave one of mine with you for a little while? LOL
ws27 Wrote:Your car is really coming along nicely. Could I leave one of mine with you for a little while? LOL

It may like to winter in Arizona Smile
Drove Max to work for a week straight Banging Gears
I received the sample kit I ordered from Maguire so I used the hood as a test area. It looks ok but not as clear as I would like. I'm going to sand it a little and get some better compound. I'll post some pictures tomorrow of the same area for comparison. Yeah it loaded the picture.
Last night I sanded the top of the car with 1500, 2000 would have been better but it buffed out fine. I still need to polish and wax but I can see a definite improvement over last night. Before and after pics shown.
Big Difference !
Looking Good