Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Got the front end Aligned this morning. Doing little test runs to work out the kinks.

My my son insisted on making a few videos on his phone. Didn't turn out bad.


Tanks down with bad radiator so I'm with you Mike
I worked on the sail panel of the R/T yesterday and today. I'm looking for the pieces for both sides in the picture too! PM me with any leads, Thanks.
I called in the local leader of the jewish community to perform a religious ceremony on the transmission

[quote=Billb66]Got the front end Aligned this morning. Doing little test runs to work out the kinks.

My my son insisted on making a few videos on his phone. Didn't turn out bad. )

I want that car!!!!
67440Dodge Wrote:I called in the local leader of the jewish community to perform a religious ceremony on the transmission

Look like they went a little too far!
This week..

Out with my NON original rear end ratio of 2.76:1..Should have had a 3.23:1, the second owner had swapped it out. Good and bad really..Good, he put in a 489 case 8 3/4. But bad, it was an open wheeler 2.76:1 ratio.

SO now my 489 case has the correct 3.23:1 Ratio. We matched a Nitro gear and pinion to my Eaton Tru Trac Locker.


And yes, smoky burnout photos will soon be put up..Smile

Fixed a major problem with my dual bendix booster. Long story short, since my car was originally a manual brake car and I added the dual booster to it, seems the hole in the firewall pinched on the rubber seal on the pedal side, and I was sucking air in. Thus no brakes to speak of. But all fixed now. Massaged the hole through the firewall a bit, good as gold!

Then we swapped out my old distributor for a recon'd one. Right look as the original, but has more room for improved curve. Lighter springs etc. I had a low rpm idle problem because my cam is so aggressive. It wasn't holding steady rpm's down low. My original distributor had never been rebuilt, so it was pretty sloppy. NOW we are good, idle is rock solid down low. And my Pertronix Ignitor III is doing it's job properly.

I also decided to refresh my badges.


And lastly..I lucked out and picked up this NOS Center piece for my grill! How sweet is this!

"And yes, smoky burnout photos will soon be put up..Smile"

I am not sure why only one embedded..but anyway..

My daughter Saana took these photos.. There is a video too, but no sound..we don't know why..Maybe we try again if the weather is good next weekend..I will upload the video we shot today later with music instead of the sweet, sweet sound of Mopar running through my cutouts.


Excellent shots