Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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69Coronetrt Wrote:Talked to the mechanic that is pulling my engine to do the rear main.

Made an appointment to look at an A12 Bee.
Checked my credit score.
Checked to see if I still know anyone at the bank.
Checked to see if my wife is still speaking to me.

That was my 'Coronet Week' in a nutshell.

Looked at the A12
Talked to the mechanic working on my car,
Looked at my checkbook
gave up on the A12
Wife still not speaking to me.

that was my Coronet Week!
69Coronetrt Wrote:Looked at the A12
Talked to the mechanic working on my car,
Looked at my checkbook
gave up on the A12
Wife still not speaking to me.

that was my Coronet Week!
What are you doing to your car?
Mine is still at paint/body shop. I expect it back mid April, so I spent part of the weekend getting the badges painted. the "Coronet" badges look 5feet good, the "500" badge is two color, tricky and in the middle of my 3rd redo Smile
stamm321 Wrote:Mine is still at paint/body shop. I expect it back mid April, so I spent part of the weekend getting the badges painted. the "Coronet" badges look 5feet good, the "500" badge is two color, tricky and in the middle of my 3rd redo Smile
What paint are you using? like to see pics too
I drag raced mine
69Coronetrt Wrote:Looked at the A12
Talked to the mechanic working on my car,
Looked at my checkbook
gave up on the A12
Wife still not speaking to me.

that was my Coronet Week!
If I were to move on to a "newer" car, an A-12 would be it!!!!!!
theman440 Wrote:I drag raced mine
I am not Worthy Bet that was fun
Drove Max all last week, now I put away for a couple day's anyway. Put more snacks under the hood for the cute little varmits
That body builder chick is NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
theman440 Wrote:I drag raced mine

And how did you do??