Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Mark's 69 Wrote:Looks good. You don't hesitate to tackle anything do you? Wink

No guts no glory.... or something like that.... we will see if it all works when I fire it up in a few months Smile
Really coming along nice! Damn that looks good!
I like the cast iron look too. It is all coming out great, keep up the good work. You'll be enjoying it on the road soon by the looks of things.
I like the front on shot with the V-2 sitting over the V-8 Smile Must be one of the engine designers was in charge of designing the air compressor!
I took the R/T out to a car show/toy drive this Sunday morning. When I left the house it was 33 degrees out. It was a good test as to how well the new seals I installed worked. It stayed warm inside for the 20 minute ride and there was none of the usual exhaust smell either. Overall I am happy with the performance of the seals. They gave out a plaque to top 30 cars in no particular order. There was a trophy for the Doctor's choice and best of show.
Looks good, you did a nice job on it.
Your R/T looks great , glad you out enjoying it
Glad to see you can still take your RT out.

Where's the salt and snow? LOL
Not too much snow here in South Texas but it was unusually cold that day. Winter in these parts means 40 or 50 degrees which is cold to us. I can't imagine what it's like with snow on the ground for days or weeks at a time.
Up here where me and Rich lives the cars run awesome in the cold! we just can't enjoy that for too long! Wish I could of taken it out yesterday!