Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Finally put my wiper arms back on and replaced the upper hose.
that is an awesome slot car set up for sure ( once a kid always a kid)

JennFAFA wasnt this week but I replaced the rear in the 65 Big Grin
JennFAFA wasnt this week but I replaced the rear in the 65 Big Grin
What did you go with?


323 gear - nothing obnoxious - just a lil sumptin sumptin to better putter down the street with.Smile
Looking good Jenn!!!
You've come a long ways!!
Replaced the drag link, cleaned the tie rods and replaced the tie rod end boots. Next up - install the part throttle kick-down module.
Finally got my baby running smooth. She's still pretty dirty but that's not biggie to get cleaned up. My daughter wants me to drive her to her first middle school dance on the 29th in it so I've been working like crazy to get her road ready. Also got all of the interior except for the carpet all shined up.
Installed the part throttle kick down module. Gave it a bath and covered it up/ Now it's ready for Spring Fling.
Saturday I changed all oil, engine, trans and rear end. Adjusted the bands on my trans (first time since last years rebuild). Took off my cheap temporary brake booster and put back my good Bendix one (after rebuilding it). Put my QTP cutouts back on, after rebuilding them with custom spindles (the QTP spindles are weak).

Some photos of what I am talking about..


Oh and I forgot but we also put back my rebuilt radiator (rebuilt for the second time, this time by a new radiator shop). Last year the radiator guy did a bad job on it, messy brazing and still had a top tank leak. Now it is all good..