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67r/t4speeder Wrote:Pics??popcorn

Well, here's a pic. Not a big deal..just some painting and the intake. The intake is a Weiand 8008. Actually, I noticed a little oil fouling on #7 plug. I found a little oily film in the runner for #7. Since I was gonna fix the leak anyway, I thought I'd spring for the new intake. The difference is very noticeable.
rlsbee Wrote:Well, here's a pic. Not a big deal..just some painting and the intake. The intake is a Weiand 8008. Actually, I noticed a little oil fouling on #7 plug. I found a little oily film in the runner for #7. Since I was gonna fix the leak anyway, I thought I'd spring for the new intake. The difference is very noticeable.
Real nice !! so clean Smile
Looks great!
My kind of "Goody Box"!!
I put the battery in my 65 and started it yesterday. its the first time it was started since January. it was nice to hear/smell it running.
I opened up the bottom storage well on Morgan just see whats in there for our trip this weekend.

Neat portable tool kit I forgot I had
fuel pump
2) fuel filters
7) belts ?
the jack assembly which I TRIED putting away properly in its correct spots, what a job that was.
overalls that don't fit me, must have been from previous owner(short guy)
bunch of foam padding to hush all the rattling back there
jumper cables

After the clean up I was able to put two fold up chairs and a fold up card table in there all in the well. Place is HUGE !!
Well my new dashboard circuit board arrived yesterday. So today I pulled the gauge cluster out...Bit of a learning curve on my 67 Coronet. But went slowly and nothing broke. Note to anyone doing it. Disconnect the neg battery lead! OPEN the glovebox! to get the cluster out on the 67's (and I guess the 66's too) the ENTIRE fascia tilts out, from the glovebox side (right) to the far left! So removal of the radio buttons, heater/ac knobs all have to come off. The radio also has 2 securing nuts for each knob, that secure the radio to the fascia. Take them off too, otherwise you will find yourself trying to pull the radio out as well. Some posts I have read say to drop the steering column right down to the seat..I did not need to. I loosened all the bolts, and it moved down maybe an inch or maybe 2 at most. Nearly forgot..DISCONNECT the Speedo FIRST! The whole assembly just wanted to tilt forward, I had to lever a bit at the top as it comes out TOP first, there is a deep flange or lip on the lower edge, so tilt it out top first towards you. Once the top is clear, I found that once I loosened the wires at the top right, near the ALT and clock (delete clock in my case) and pulled the BULB housing and wire out on that side, I could then get in to pull the big round wiring plug from the circuit board. It was then free and I could take it inside and lay it on my dining table..much to my wifes delight..and swap the circuit board out! LOL Getting it back in was easier than removal, now I knew all the steps. Lining up the radio knob posts was tricky by myself, but I managed it OK in the end. Buttoned everything up, tightened the steering column, replaced the battery lead, fired up and went for a drive..All working! YAY! I now know how much gas I have..Or do I? Since as ALL people that have replacement fuel senders it maxes out at half full! Still light years ahead of NOTHING!
Once a month a bunch of us old retired car guys have breakfast at one of the local restaurants. Most of us bring our rides if the weather is decent and today was real nice. So, I fired up the Bee and me and a buddy took the ride and went to breakfast. I had to let it warm up and enjoy the sound of the pipes. Ya know, it's kinda 'gettin in the mood' thing.Wink
Nice deep tone Smile
Your Bee looks and sounds great !