Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Built a stand to run my electric pump and regulator..

So I could break in the cam

And then do quick check of oil pressure and temps after break in
theman440 Wrote:Monday & Tuesday I replaced the VC gaskets on the convertible. Drove it to work today and tonight I took out the distributor and installed the high performance " light" advance springs.

Do yourself a favor and don't do this mod. The "light" springs aren't strong enough to pull the advance weights all the way back. I had to change it back.
That's great Mike!!
The engine sounds fantastic Mike! I'm so happy that the fire up session went smoothly!

thanks guys.. for a little 273 it's got some nuts to it..

Andy better dig out the title for Max soon..
remounted alternator
Grilles detailed out. Had them re-anodized along with the surrounds and hood molding. I stained the surrounds on the polished lips. The foam edge tape I used to achieve a soft line left a pattern in the anodizing. I'm annoyed that the re-done pieces seem to be more delicate than the factory original pieces. Does anyone have experience with parts that were re-anodized being delicate? I was told to only use soap and water to clean them. The originals don't seem to be bothered by other chemicals. I have to take them back to be re-done and then repaint the silver and little bit of black. I won't mention how the color, soft edges, and texture came out PERFECT. Sucks I have to do it again.
Here's the Grille and headlamp doors. 7430]7431]7432
Drove Max to work today
Drove Max to work today
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Drove Max to work today

Stop bragging!!! LOL