Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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I feel for you on the top install, it is a hard job but still glad I tackled it myself. Fingers were sore for a week afterwards.

Yours looks great
67r/t4speeder Wrote:I feel for you on the top install, it is a hard job but still glad I tackled it myself. Fingers were sore for a week afterwards.

Yours looks great

I have two fingers that I have rubbed the skin off the knuckles.....
9548]New grill, happy early birthday me! Time for some more polishing!
Day of many different aspects of the restoration. Fixed a water damaged door panel and got the drivers door fully assembled. Had the machine shop change the bearings and diodes in the alternator rebuild. Installed the motor in the K-Frame with my newly thought out power train carrier. The transmission will be done on Monday. FirmFeel gear will be here Friday along with new wiring harnesses.

They really need a like button! Way to go Jim! It will be no time and you wil be cruising!
don99pablo Wrote:They really need a like button! Way to go Jim! It will be no time and you wil be cruising!

Won't be able to afford a tank of gas by then......
So we should start Jim and Paul's 503c non profit gas fund, right? Any and all contributions welcome!
9557]Nice and shiny! Time to paint some flat black! Should finish and have installed with the new grill center by the end of the weekend. Woo hoo!
Coming along damn good!
The grille looks awesome too. I feel the pain of painting it!
don99pablo, if you want to see the full story from the beginning I am sharing the gory details on the FBBO forums. I only post the highlights here.