The black Fairlane reminds me of James Bond Thunderball movie
Replaced the motor mount I broke at Carlisle!
Local show. Lotta cars despite ominous skies!
Nothing. Summer monsoons are hyper active in Southern Arizona this year and it has done nothing but rain for the last two weeks!
We need more rain here again
Found a set locally and had one of them turned. All better now. Now the brake lights keep staying on.... I never ends.
I stood in the garage and stared at mine for a good two minutes.
Hibbing_Coronet_500 Wrote:Found a set locally and had one of them turned. All better now. Now the brake lights keep staying on.... I never ends.
You may have to set the distribution block back to the middle by opening the correct bleeder, sometimes they don't reset themselves.
Replaced the badly worn distributor intermediate shaft and installed new plugs gapped at .050". She's running the best she has since I installed the cd ignition and fuel injection. It still has a little stutter while cruising and the afr is going to 15.9 at full throttle again but it pulls hard and will spin the tires easily. My wife made the point that it has been learning with the engine running like garbage so it might sort itself out once I put some miles on it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because every time I think I have it fixed it starts acting up again. Oh, and I found out I can change the plugs without loosening the one header by grinding flats into a short 5/8" socket and turning it with a wrench.