Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Oh man! I am loving your convertible!!
A shop full of cool cars I would feel right at home there. Glad you got out
67r/t4speeder Wrote:A shop full of cool cars I would feel right at home there. Glad you got out
I thought it was Andy's "other" shop!!!!!!!!!!
R/T XTC Wrote:Weather here has been crumby and cold it is finally warming up so i took the Dodge to work

Finally warming up ??? Hell, it's going to be 106 here today!
2009Picked it up - yea!
Gorgeous car!
theman440 Wrote:2009Picked it up - yea!
Why on a trailer? You have some work done?
Drove mine to work again Smile was going to put a swaybar on front but need some different brackets at frame.
Had the new top put on - it's easier just to trailer it instead of driving it then bumming a ride back etc.
theman440 Wrote:Had the new top put on - it's easier just to trailer it instead of driving it then bumming a ride back etc.
Funny that's what I'd do too now.