Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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67r/t4speeder Wrote:Damn, I'm going to check under my air cleaners too.

You never know!
Mark's 69 Wrote:Sweeeeet!

It is except the damn throttle rotates in the opposite direction as the 2 Barrel so the transmission valve linkage and throttle cable won't just work as is....
I got tired of fighting kickdown linkage and got a lokar cable. Granted my manifold is a little taller than stock and I have a carb spacer so the stock linkage wasn't going to work as it was.
Santa came again.. With all that extra fuel being pumped in gotta get it back out too. Accurate Exhaust small block custom dual exhaust kit with factory Hemi mufflers and Super Bee tips.

Very nice lookin pipes there. How'd everything fit?
67RTBlue Wrote:Very nice lookin pipes there. How'd everything fit?

Fit great, with the engine in the cradle on the floor and the pipes supported by jack stands Smile I am a few weeks away from _really_ having it installed.
Did exhaust come with that flange bolt hardware ?
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Did exhaust come with that flange bolt hardware ?

Yes it came with EVERY nut bolt and hanger you need from the manifold back.