Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Yanked the 440 and tranny out of my daughter's car. Now I need to paint the engine compartment.
Nice work Mark
Treated Max to some VP110 and went for a drive Saturday

And drove it to work todayBanging Gears
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Treated Max to some VP110 and went for a drive Saturday

And drove it to work todayBanging Gears
Feeding Max a little beefsteak!
Racer Brown Wrote:Feeding Max a little beefsteak!
Being Thanksgiving and all Smile
Drove Max to work today, very cold out so a belly full of VP110 and chilly air WOW he runs good
67440Dodge Wrote:start drinking heavily

Order Hellcat
Well after procrastinating for a month or two and being busy working on to two vintage motorcycles with the weather being so beautiful today I finally got the car out install the hardware for the headrest it was very simple to do had them both installed within an hour and I must say I was surprisingly happy with the quality of the parts that I received here's a couple pictures.

Also want to wish everybody a safe and happy holiday season
Those look fantastic !!

I love your whole car Banging Gears
Thank you Andy!
I appreciate the compliment.