Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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It has cooled down out here in Sin City (monsoon season) so my 14 year old son and I decided to take Pinky's car out for a spin and got rained on...dammit!
I put in A Powermaster mini starter.

Drove Max to work today Smile
theman440 Wrote:It has cooled down out here in Sin City (monsoon season) so my 14 year old son and I decided to take Pinky's car out for a spin and got rained on...dammit!

Is Pinky's car the vert?
You are correct Rich. Pinky was my dad's nick name. His mother gave it to him when he was little, he was a red head, poor kid.
Doors and fenders


Hood, headlights. Hasn't looked this much like a car in years.

Test fit the newly dyed dash bezels.

Slow but steady progress.
Wow, nice work Bill.
I absolutely love the color of your convertible Bill! Will it have a White interior?

It's going to look great once you are done.
Thanks guys,

yes sir, white top, white interior.

I know they never made a superbee vert but I wanted one.

Hand painted decal and reverse C stripe buried under the gloss coat(s) (not perfect but its not a sticker)

I want to drive this creature so bad, but like always something always slows the process down. It's getting there though, I see light at the end of the tunnel.