Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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ws27 Wrote:Mike, we really need the mooning guy back, somehow he never made it to the new board.

It would be very appropriate right about now...

Heck Rich, if we're going to have a Mooning Smiley, we should have one for various occasions!

Christmas version:

[Image: rude-santa-claus.gif]

At work version:
[Image: mooning-at-work.gif]

For the ladies version:
[Image: mooning-girl.gif]

For the guys version:
[Image: dropping-pants.gif]

For Steve and me version:
[Image: old-man-mooning.gif]

For group mooning version:
[Image: group-mooning.gif]

and since we're a car related site, the in vehicle version:
[Image: moon-from-car.gif]

What do you think Rich, see any that will work for you my friend? Rofl

Nice Richard Smile
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Nice Richard Smile

The Devil Smiley made me do it Andy! [Image: smileys-devil-158810.gif]

Made my day, Thanks, Richard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Richard, that really made me laugh.

I really have to figure out how to post those.
ws27 Wrote:Thanks Richard, that really made me laugh.

I really have to figure out how to post those.

Here's the process Rich.

(01) Google whatever type of "Smiley", or "Emotion" you're looking for and choose a web site that offers the Smiley's you want.
(02) Browse the web site until you find the Smiley you want.
(03) Pass your cursor over the Smiley image that you've chosen while holding down your left click button on your mouse until the image is highlighted.
(04) Right click on the highlighted Smiley image and look for the pop up option box that should appear.
(05) Left click on the "Copy", or "Copy Image" option in that option box.
(06) Go back to your DCR post and left click in your DCR post where you want the Smiley image to be located.
(07) Right click on your mouse and look for the option box that should appear.
(08) Left click on the "Paste" option and the Smiley will appear in your DCR post where you wanted it.

Please note that Helga will administer punishment if you don't accomplish this task in the near future! Smile


[Image: a-women-bodybuilder-trainwreck-16.jpg]
LOL, OK that didn't work...
OK, how about this?

[Image: hanging.gif]
Well, Kevin and Mike have nothing to worry about as far as their job.

I'm sticking to oil burners...