Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Nice work Jim
67440Dodge Wrote:Good Job! How you like the Fitech setup?
Love it but hate the aftermarket fuel system to make it work. Leaks, noisy Walbro pumps etc. I am finally at a place where I can fill the tank full and the pump noise is livable.
Did the brakes. I also cleaned the interior of my Coronet.
Drove mine.
After taking too long, I finally got the 67 Coronet 500 street car out of the garage and on the road. Some background:

Bought it in 2008. The 383 was supposedly fairly fresh. Ended up being rebuilt some years back in California and they did a terrible job. 8:1 compression with Silvolite pistons. The new pistons were put in a stock bore that was flat out wore out. The 383 crank had mallory metal in it and had a welded journal - crazy!

A few years ago put a 440 in it so that my daughter could race it. That did not go well. Wiped a cam and lost almost a year putting a hydraulic roller in it - won't do that again - won't rev. Ended up with a best of 13.300 @ 101.75 mph, but the converter broke and I thought I had noise in the motor (now I think it was the converter all along). Pulled the motor and tore it apart and found nothing wrong.

Decided to go back to the original 383. Painted the engine compartment. Finally got it out of the garage today. Runs good but the AFR is way rich at part throttle - gotta work on that. Also runs a tad warm but won't worry about that for now - might be fine.

Nice work Mark.
ws27 Wrote:Nice work Mark.

Thanks! This is what it looks like now. Had to snap the picture tonight.......

Coronet spent the 4th in a parade then watching the fireworks for the first time since 1984!

Real nice work Mark