Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Engine went to the guy that's gonna start it on a test stand. Run in the cam and check it out. Might happen Friday?
67RTBlue Wrote:Engine went to the guy that's gonna start it on a test stand. Run in the cam and check it out. Might happen Friday?
Ater my buddy, Steve rebuilt my motor, we put together a homemade engine stand with some tubing from the place I worked at, came out ok, ran the motor for about 1/2 hr, the drained all the liquids out and refilled.
Well for me changed the m1 i had on for awhile back to the 2x4 tunnelram for the good guy show tomo had it powercoated a satin black went thru the afb carters put back on my other hood (for the tunnelram) ready to go for the show
440fied Wrote:Well for me changed the m1 i had on for awhile back to the 2x4 tunnelram for the good guy show tomo had it powercoated a satin black went thru the afb carters put back on my other hood (for the tunnelram) ready to go for the show

heres a couple I took today8073]8074]
Sweet killer Coronet
Going to spring fling?
I'm Drag Racing mine.
Yea me and my buddy dave are going down to for spring fling you gonna be there
440fied Wrote:Yea me and my buddy dave are going down to for spring fling you gonna be there
