Took some more rubber off the rear tires this morning on the way to work, No coper's in site- coast is clear- it's a go go go

inventoried and boxed up some more parts... straightened car out so can get it back in garage before the fun starts..
Well, after having my 66 Coronet 500 sitting in my garage without even being started since 2005, a friend of mine who now owns the shop where we did a lot of the restoration work on my sons 72 Dart Swinger came over last night and this morning and we repainted my Edelbrock Torker intake manifold last night and this morning we installed my freshly rebuilt Holley 750 carb.
When we tried to fire up the car for the first time, we found out that my Optima Red Top battery that I had purchased back around 2000 or so wasn't among the living anymore, so my friend drove up to his shop and picked up a new one for me and once I had installed the new battery, we primed the carb and the car started IMMEDIATELY even after sitting for so long!

Oil pressure went directly up to it's usual 75 to 80 pounds and the timing hadn't been messed with, so that was still spot on. The only other minor issue that we ran into was a small fuel leak where the duel inlet fuel line assembly bolts up to the carb, so we fixed that and everything else was smooth sailing!
Not only did we fire the car up, but he drove me and the car down to the Chevron gas station that my wife and me always go to and I filled her up with a tank of Chevron's high octane fuel! DAMN, I forgot how much I missed that 440 and it's 3 inch exhaust!
There is still
LOTS more work to do in the interior, the power window system, the heating and a/c systems and installing lots of new weatherstripping, but at least the old girl is running again, so it looks like I'm back to being able to rattle all of the neighbours windows again!
That's so great Richard. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to hear this. Make sure the brakes are fine, then go take it out for some much needed exercise. As Andy said, remove some rubber from the rear tires.
Any old geezers need to be woke up?
Go for it!!!
Let's see a pic with you and the car OUTSIDE.
Thank you very much Rich, it is exciting to get the car running again.
I'm still not positive yet because we haven't driven enough miles yet, but it seems like the new electric vacuum booster pump assembly that I replaced on the car last year is doing it's job, as my friend said that the brakes felt pretty good on our trip to the gas station and a short drive yesterday and the pump cycled on and off as it's supposed to, so maybe I will be ok with my braking system, which I was worried about. If all is good, that will allow me to move on to other projects on the car. I don't suppose that you'd like to come to AZ for a visit to help me sort out my factory power window system and several other projects would you? You know, I do have a "few" parts waiting to be installed!
Richard.. I'd be very concerned if Rich showed up at your door to work on your car..
Last time that happened, the owner hasn't seen it since!!
67440Dodge Wrote:Richard.. I'd be very concerned if Rich showed up at your door to work on your car..
Last time that happened, the owner hasn't seen it since!!
LOL I'll show up...with a big, big trailer. As far as the owner not seeing his car, if it's what I think Jim has never seen it yet.
67440Dodge Wrote:Richard.. I'd be very concerned if Rich showed up at your door to work on your car..
Last time that happened, the owner hasn't seen it since!!
You know Mike, that's a VERY good point!

When I first considered your comment, I thought no problem, Rich would need a REALLY big rig to haul off all of the parts I've gathered up over the years and how is he going to get a big rig like that to AZ, but then I realized that he drives large trucks for his business just about every day......YIKES! I'm still ok though, as I'll still have my protection personal standing by and NO man would want to take on a set of teeth and a set of "chest muscles" like those two have!
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