Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Red coated whole inside Mike?
Just the immediate area around where I welded. Since it was a new tank there was no reason to coat everything else.
Today was get fuel lines finished in engine compartment. Would have loved to have run the hard line higher and done a 90 deg hard elbow, but they were too close to the heater hose lines...

Mike - will you be taking your car to the track in the future?
Jeff.. yea, I need to show a certain red R/T what these look like..

Max is not used to that.
The reason I was asking is that they might not let you run with the regulator on the firewall.
Drove mine to work today!
theman440 Wrote:The reason I was asking is that they might not let you run with the regulator on the firewall.

Agree - first thing I noticed. From NHRA rulebook:

Any mechanical fuel pump and/or one electric fuel pump permitted.
Must be installed outside of passenger area, away from tires and
suspension. Electric pump must shut off with car’s ignition switch.
Fuel lines may be changed to any size metallic line with in-line fuel
filters and pressure regulators permitted; a maximum 12 inches of
rubber lines for vibration connections are permitted. One cool can
permitted. All fuel system components (regulators, cool cans, etc.)
must be installed not less than 6 inches in front of firewall.
Exception: Fuel-pressure-gauge isolators, with steel-braided line,
may be mounted on firewall. See General Regulations 1:5.
Can you swing it left and mount it on the fenderwell? I think that would be a better choice.