Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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FINALLY got new wheels & tires mounted... Smile

DannyHavs Wrote:FINALLY got new wheels & tires mounted... Smile


Looks great.
Sweet car Danny
Drove mine to the local Sunday mornin' car show - the only other SloPar was a '75 Dart and a '73 Charger. This bubble top Pontiac had tri-power and a 4-speed.

67r/t4speeder Wrote:Sweet car Danny
I like those early Pontiacs!!
theman440 Wrote:Drove mine to the local Sunday mornin' car show - the only other SloPar was a '75 Dart and a '73 Charger. This bubble top Pontiac had tri-power and a 4-speed.


Was that the show in Henderson?
67440Dodge Wrote:Was that the show in Henderson?

This was at the old Santa Fe Theaters parking lot, about 3 miles from my house out in the Northwest. The car-count was down because of the Henderson show. Everybody calls it "Car Church" because the theater is a church now and hundreds show up every Sunday.
Killer Pontiac right there, love slam some gears in that.
I ended the cruising season last week with a nice scrape on the right front fender in the local Walmart parking lot on my 65 convertible !!!! Spoke to the Walmart manager and he said they dont have cameras in the parking lot way in the back 40.... where I usually park ....