Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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4404spd Wrote: I ended the cruising season last week with a nice scrape on the right front fender in the local Walmart parking lot on my 65 convertible !!!! Spoke to the Walmart manager and he said they dont have cameras in the parking lot way in the back 40.... where I usually park ....

Hit and run huh...efff'n dirt-bags!
That's too bad, if you park that far away, it was most likely done intentionally.
Sucks Andy Sad
Some people have no respect.... sorry to hear about the scrape.
This should be an episode of CSI... analyze the scrape to determine the culprit! They always get their guy on TV.... he was probably driving a Furd or a Cheby and was jealous.
I adjusted the floats because the plugs looked lean. Waiting on my new s.s. braided upper radiator hose to get here. Repacked wheel bearings. Installed new tach ( digital on the column ). I don't like the digital tach though. I'd rather have the analog style that you can actually see the needle sweep. The digital one just has numbers that jump all over the damned place. Oh well it was free and my other tach took a crap.
Repaired an oil leak on the Passenger side valve cover, the season is dwindling down in the state of Minnesota. The car will be locked in the garage for the winter,
major front end rebuild. Where is the best place to get front end suspension parts?
Took my daughter in Max to a place called Pozo Saloon where they have outdoor concert and listened to Cadillac Angels.
A good day
Welded up the holes in the floor of the car (Dad drilled holes in floor so he could put buckets in it) going back to bench. Also the last idiot to put carpet in the car used nails to hold it down in places so I welded those holes up too. Got my FatMat order in so I can take the next step towards finishing the interior.
theman440 Wrote:Welded up the holes in the floor of the car (Dad drilled holes in floor so he could put buckets in it) going back to bench. Also the last idiot to put carpet in the car used nails to hold it down in places so I welded those holes up too. Got my FatMat order in so I can take the next step towards finishing the interior.

NAILED the carpeting into the car? WOW Blonde!!!!

I was trying to come up with an appropriate comment on that and as usual Richard nailed it. LOL