Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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Love that color combo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice looking R/T !


Well yesterday it was like 35 degrees out - but that didn't stop me from taking Duke out for a spin; I just rolled the windows up and thought warm thoughts! Big Grin
I had a nice loooong drive down a lot of nice quiet country roads. Sometimes a girl just needs a quiet drive alone in her mopar.
JennFAFA Wrote:Well yesterday it was like 35 degrees out - but that didn't stop me from taking Duke out for a spin; I just rolled the windows up and thought warm thoughts! Big Grin
I had a nice loooong drive down a lot of nice quiet country roads. Sometimes a girl just needs a quiet drive alone in her mopar.
Sounds great I was doing the same
Morgan's tailgate window crank feel off on Lauri at the grocery store LOL , trying to figure out how to fix it still. Can expect a FEW issue's after 490,000 miles HUH?

Drove Max to work today Banging Gears
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Morgan's tailgate window crank feel off on Lauri at the grocery store LOL , trying to figure out how to fix it still. Can expect a FEW issue's after 490,000 miles HUH?

Drove Max to work today Banging Gears
Time for a trade-in!!!!!!!
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Morgan's tailgate window crank feel off on Lauri at the grocery store LOL , trying to figure out how to fix it still. Can expect a FEW issue's after 490,000 miles HUH?

Drove Max to work today Banging Gears
"crank feel off " Rofl
Been busy working on the garage. Got the trusses removed & new walls built & installed today. Next step: Add front & back walls, reinstall the trusses & install the windows.
You rule Joe that shop is cool, nice work .