Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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REALLY! But seriously though, you sure are getting alot done. It's all coming together and looking good. It won't be long before your done, keep the pics coming. Following here and FBBO.
^ Agreed! Making progress Jim! Man you are smoking!
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Do you sleep?

Please explain this concept of sleep....
JimKueneman Wrote:Please explain this concept of sleep....

I started polishing the last rim tonight but didn't get to far. I needed to move the car over some, it's a pretty tight on the side against the wall. I'm not as young or flexible as I used to be. But it's raining here so I decided to work on the inside stainless and dash. Still need to work on the hanging wires under the dash too. I also painted the silver edge around the dash and glove box too.
Got much of the K-Frame items painted and installed. Transmission, FirmFeel gear many odds and ends. I am getting low on parts to install! Installed a few items under the hood. Finished rebuilding and refinishing the starter. Installed the new front brakes with the parts I restored a few months ago. Pulled the master cylinder apart and honed out the bore. Has a little pitting, think I will get new pistons and give it a try before sending to The Ram Man.

Maybe I'll try that Sleep thing tonight.... Before the next order from Classic Industries comes in Smile
I have no idea how many miles but I have put on but 23 bugs splats on my windshield this weekend..... I'm proud of that .
Man, Jim you're doing awesome.
You are doing a fcking fantastic job Jim!!!