Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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theman440 Wrote:Nothin'

I just cleaned the seats. Then I ordered American Racing Torque Thrust rims at 4WO|Car & Truck Wheels. Will post pics once I'm done installing them.
had it out for its birthday or build day whatever the fender tag says
R/T XTC Wrote:had it out for its birthday or build day whatever the fender tag says

NO PICS!!!???
sorry, it looks the same as it has for the last 48 years i'll try and post a new picture soon
Local cruise night. First time attending this one. Prob over 100 cars!
Replaced front drums with new ones from classic industries. One of them was a oval. No way will that one work. Took it in to be turned and that say its too far. Chinese crap!
67RTBlue Wrote:Local cruise night. First time attending this one. Prob over 100 cars!
Looked like a good turnout, hey, I like that blue 67 R/T that was there, LOL!!
Hibbing_Coronet_500 Wrote:Replaced front drums with new ones from classic industries. One of them was a oval. No way will that one work. Took it in to be turned and that say its too far. Chinese crap!

I hear you on that one. If you find the desire for USA drums, shoot me a PM and I'll give you the number for Craig from Long Island. He won't be cheap, but you he will have older USA drums.