Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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It's got a face now!
and a very nice one at that, looks great!
Nice grille surrounds!I am not Worthy
All these cars look amazing! I think it is time for me to buy another one so I can bring some old classic back from the dead again. Great job on all these cars!
This morning I did some more wet sanding on the R/T but it got hot fast. So I decided after seeing the letters others are working on to try to do mine. They aren't as nice as the others I've seen here but the black makes a big difference on how they look. I also found some misc. Front and rear 67 letters and 1 66 letter in varying degrees of condition.
Ha the dodge letters are popular this month! They look good
Painting them does make a difference, doesn't it?
I did some wet sanding. And can see more work needed on the driver side.
Car's coming along and the letters look good!
Trunk finish panel...
ALSO...what's up with most 66-67's and the fit of the trunk to the qtr extension on the right side?? Ours sticks out past and a lot of others I've seen are the same way. I have the trunk all the way forward and anymore would make the front gap too tight anyways.