Full Version: What did you do to your Coronet this Week ....???
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thebankerstoy Wrote:A beautiful shop there indeed Joe! I am not WorthyI am not WorthyI am not Worthy

Here's my answer to garage and storage area organization. LOTS of plastic storage bins, LOTS of appropriate sized plastic zip-lock bags, LOTS of notes with computer typed parts descriptions clear taped on the outside of each one of those zip-lock bags and a computer saved listing of everything inside of each one of those storage bins! (still working on that list)

Storage bins

[Image: 1966CoronetNOSandnewinteriorpartsforinte...ation1.jpg]

More storage bins

[Image: 10footx20footMoparpartsstorageshed.jpg]

One of MANY pages of the parts in those storage bins

[Image: 1966Coronet500restorationpartslog.jpg]
WOW! I thought I was organized, then again I thought it was that Rich guy on the east coast!!
Oh, no Steve, I am far from organized.

One day, I'll have to kidnap Richard and bring him to Mass so I can get organized.

Some proof:
Rich, how in the world did you find my wiper pivot in that?
ws27 Wrote:Oh, no Steve, I am far from organized.

One day, I'll have to kidnap Richard and bring him to Mass so I can get organized.

Some proof:

I don't know my friend, it would HAVE to be done only in the summer months and I'm getting older, so I'm not sure that I have that many summers left in me to sort out all of that! Rofl Maybe if Steve showed up in his Batman outfit with the U.P.S. girl along with all of the boys from the car club, we might be able to get it all organized in less than 10 summers or so! Rofl

thebankerstoy Wrote:A beautiful shop there indeed Joe! I am not WorthyI am not WorthyI am not Worthy

Here's my answer to garage and storage area organization. LOTS of plastic storage bins, LOTS of appropriate sized plastic zip-lock bags, LOTS of notes with computer typed parts descriptions clear taped on the outside of each one of those zip-lock bags and a computer saved listing of everything inside of each one of those storage bins! (still working on that list)

Storage bins

[Image: 1966CoronetNOSandnewinteriorpartsforinte...ation1.jpg]

More storage bins

[Image: 10footx20footMoparpartsstorageshed.jpg]

One of MANY pages of the parts in those storage bins

[Image: 1966Coronet500restorationpartslog.jpg]

I bow to the lord of autoparts organization.... we are not Worthy...I am not WorthyI am not Worthy
I just saw "work stuff" in Rich's place, I was looking for them thar parts, I bet they're in the vault!!!!!!
theman440 Wrote:Rich, how in the world did you find my wiper pivot in that?

Jeff, the scary part is I know where almost everything is, unless one of my guys moves it... LOL
FRATZOG Wrote:I bow to the lord of autoparts organization.... we are not Worthy...I am not WorthyI am not Worthy

Rofl Thank you very much, but it would take a different thread to explain how I've transitioned from where I was 20 years ago, to where I am today regarding my parts organization!

Morgan got treated to a radiator rebuild. She came to work the other day and the belt was going Chirp Chirp so I checked it out and the top tank was coming unsoldered and spraying coolant all over the belts.

Appears to have been rebuit before using original tanks with a replacement core some time before we owned it. Not bad for so many miles
Numbers matching!!!!!!!!