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Filthy mind you have Mike
I have a functional fuel gauge now after repairing the circuit board.
I added temperature volts oil gauge pod and a little tach just because I had it.
Maybe take it for a run tomorrow.
I cannot remember ever having a fuel gauge in Jr.
scary thing will be.. is it accurate?

New sending unit, verified it was good (many new ones don't have right resistance), new VR for board, ran 2 extra grounds from sending unit.. full tank shows half full instead of 1/4. time for new gauge.. or know when empty it's at half tank... which never like running lower than that with electric pump in tank anyhow..
Lucky I have factory manual that explains how to test the ohms before installing.
Good point you brought up. Imagine how many are off?
My test on this one today after installing and getting fuel.
Gauge is way off. 1967 wiring?
I will still hunt. But all the other aftermarket gauges works great. So happy to see temp and rpm one freeway under 2,000 in OD.
Most of the aftermarket ones are garbage, the first 2 read the same as the stock 3/8's, even after swapping in the digital VR. The Tanks Inc one was only one that read close, and I verified the readings with them that they are good. So it's either old wiring, the plug on back of the cluster or the gauge itself...

2000rpm on highway with OD? You gears from Jeff's grandma's car in there? My truck does that with 3.91 gears.. Coronet. well, it's a little higher..ok, a lot higher
3.55 sure grip dinky 14" tire still.

I found some wheels that might look cool on Junior. I just feel like a change from the caps. They were on a `70 Challenger that was sitting for a long time so they are very dirty but the chrome looks very nice when wiped off. Scrub a Dub time.
US wheel  here we go.

There going to clear just barely....perfect!!
225/60×14 . Front also just clears control arm.
14×7 wheel

that's about the clearance you get with 255/60/15 on 66/7 Coronet..
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