Full Version: My Dart build
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[Image: rlwpzg3uvgl37f4plo7divdiukmqpqljiynnadun...1715276054]
I passed on Junior to my son like I originally planned and he drove it home to Idaho to its new home this last winter. He really wanted to buy it along time ago and timing was never right to do so. So I bought it before somebody else did to save it for him. And as usual I couldn't leave anything alone and had fun playing with it and driving all over California.
(testing to make sure it is safe:p). Now he has a Mopar to grow in his family.

He is in the middle of putting the headliner in now, in between snow storms.
More room for another car now
Junior looks so cold! Smile
Update : Junior is doing well. I drive it on fare weather days to work. Just love the way it drives. It still looks the same not much has changed.
Went joy riding yesterday now back to work.[attachment=8706][attachment=8707]
Bring it over and I'll pressure wash it for ya... just be sure to keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times..
Yeah you got lucky like I did with that episode. I took it in the gut though. Some coworker goofing off with nozle and turned right into me on accident.
Cool scar though...wanna see?
I won't tell you how long ago this happened because I know how you are with old guy jokes.
Show me yours and I'll show you mine
Dammit Andy.. I said pressure washer scar, not circumcision scar!!! Don't make me delete any more of your posts or put you in the dog house!!
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