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Organic pads and shoes seem to always grab better.
ws27 Wrote:Organic pads and shoes seem to always grab better.
And being free of pesticides they are safer to eat too. Ha!
65rbdodge Wrote:And being free of pesticides they are safer to eat too. Ha!
Milk Bone dog biscuits are better for your teeth though
With the way organic pads fade, it proves one thing.

Junior must be really slow, or the driver is so old he's afraid to get any speed out of it.
67440Dodge Wrote:With the way organic pads fade, it proves one thing.

Junior must be really slow, or the driver is so old he's afraid to get any speed out of it.

At least mine runs, your gonna be old by the time you get Ol Blue on the road
[Image: boxingknockedouttooth.png]
Oh it runs allright... it'll lay waste to Junior long before youre Geritol kicks in...

(this is some good stuff I'm taking.. wonder if it'll show up on a drug test?)
We took these A body springs off my buddies `70 Barracuda project, they used extended spring hangers in front to make them work, he is going with a new E body pair.

Being the used part scrounger I am going to see how they will work on Junior when I put the 8 3/4 in.
I started back on stripping old blue paint off. Door was easy and looks real nice underneath, no surprise damage here .
You found a real nice Dart Andy.
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