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That intake looks very impressive, is it a stock 340 one?
ws27 Wrote:That intake looks very impressive, is it a stock 340 one?
Mopar Performance, they go well with the 340 cams and big valve X heads
Sound nice Andy.
ws27 Wrote:Sound nice Andy.

X2 Andy! Banging Gears

Thanks Big Grin
I purchased a Wagner adjustable PCV a while back and finally got around to playing with it some. I thought Junior would be a good place for it since it's stout 4-speed styled cam with only 7-8in. in an automatic car has been a challenge at idle in traffic.

So far so good, I was able to cut down the flow at idle which seems to help allot. I need to adjust my carb. some so after that I will report back on what happened.
Neat, I never knew such an item existed. The motor looks good!
65rbdodge Wrote:Neat, I never knew such an item existed. The motor looks good!
I second that.
That makes three of us Andy. How does this part help the engines driveability my friend?

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