Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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67r/t4speeder Wrote:Sunny out, got full tank, just deciding which way to go for a drive.


An excellent photo there indeed Andy! Cool

I ended up just zig zagging through some country roads and end up here not far from my house taking a break chatting with some cows, one way conversation as usual.

Yes another dirt road LOL, I don't look for them they find me.

Peace full to me I guess, no traffic like I like.

Very nice Andy. I sure wish I had your type of weather here. We are getting ready for winter soon. Not too bad yet, but temps are falling.
Thanks Richard and Rich.
The red of your car looks so rich in the sunlight..Very nice mate.
Looks like I need another set of rear tires.

I just don't under stand how only the rear ones wore out so quick Confused
Tire pressure!!!!!!Rofl
Do look a tad high huh? but when I lower them it handles crappy. Cheap tires anyway but only Made In USA tire I could find at the time
Funny how the middle wears, couldn't have anything to do with tire RPM and wheel spin? Hmmm...
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