Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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Lookin good Andy........... Love the Torque Thrust....... Period correct wheels always look the best on these cars.......
Make sure you check for a hole in the gas tank.

Every time I lent my old Coronet to my brother, all the gas leaked out too.

Must be an inherent design flaw...
Nice shot at a great looking car there !
[Image: 1381220_457606331020907_1922287502_n.jpg]My daughter Shawna and I enjoying outdoor concert at Pozo Saloon with a bunch of cool bikers
[Image: 1377977_676299399061472_1609552241_n.jpg]
nice pic!Cool
65rbdodge Wrote:nice pic!Cool
You're a VERY lucky man indeed Andy! [Image: cool.gif]

Man, look at the legs on Andy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOW
Sunny out, got full tank, just deciding which way to go for a drive.

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