Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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Some guy in Wisconsin or wherever who people bow down to when he is carried along the aisles to his presentations at Carlisle..
Hey Andy,

I found a picture of one of the King's first test drives and evaluations.


[Image: 12-SN4-20200127-Tut-IN-PO-4.jpg]
Shop is crammed full, so Max was in storage. Pulled Max out today to replace fuel lines, and Russell sent me a 6an box with 8an hose it.
Supposed to rain tonight so went for a drive and put it away again.
Try again next week.
All good
Isn't it fun owning a Mopar, especially a vintage Mopar when buying aftermarket parts? black eye

My neighbors came by with there 72 Challenger and told me about a local fundraiser car show.
So I warmed up Max and followed them over. 32 degrees out so Max was happy. Show was super small but the drive was great. 12448
Happy birthday Max today is the scheduled build date. It says rush build on punch card.
Happy Birthday Max... soon you'll be as old as Andy!
Happy Birthday Max! Always in a rush, haha
Happy Birthday Max! Your younger sis Audrey sends her love!
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