Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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Had a blast at the track, my wife and I spent whole day there. It was very busy with different events but I got 3 good test runs in.
Traction is my only issue, I spin and spin and spin. Still pulling off 13.7 101 mph , .068-.080s reaction times.
Max runs great. Not a drag car but runs great.
AWESOME Andy! Banging Gears

So happy that you were able to get out with Lori and Max and have fun at the drag strip! Were you running the new temporary single carb set-up?

Thanks Richard, and yes I have the single 4 set up .
Looks like a great time Andy! Wish I could've been on the pit crew Smile
I'm jealous. I have not been at the track in over 2 years. Should be racing now but bought a new house and the move is killing me........
markz Wrote:I'm jealous. I have not been at the track in over 2 years. Should be racing now but bought a new house and the move is killing me........

I'm jealous too, I want a house, waiting for prices to drop, might be waiting along time but ridiculous here right now.
Enjoy your new home, congratulations.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:I'm jealous too, I want a house, waiting for prices to drop, might be waiting along time but ridiculous here right now.
Enjoy your new home, congratulations.

I was waiting for prices to crash. They ended up going the other way but we needed to move so had to pay. Wait till you see the shop I am planning on building. Dream shop. 5600 square feet.........
Exciting future
I saw rents in Boise went up 40% in the Pat year…..

my neighbor put in bids on 37 houses before finally getting accepted for one and moved in
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