Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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Microwave crap or real deal make it yourself?
Real deal... either with oil or a hot air popper..
Fresh 110 before storage or another run before winter sets in
Very cold day a Max still makes me Smile.
I met a old timer (yes my age Mike) his brother bought a 68 Road Runner.
Fun chatting with people.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8531]
Meanwhile in Idaho
I get dizzy looking at the grill on Max in this picture. It usually happens when I download from phone.
Maybe it's the mushrooms I had on my cheeseburger.

Ha! If I remember right from my days as a printer that's a phenomenon called moray. When the dots or now pixels don't quite line up right.

When I click on the picture it looks fine
I should be able to dump the clutch on Max at full throttle and never worry about broken u-joints like these. Hard to believe the workers managed to destroy this one.
Wow that's a bigun
Someone needs to learn to double clutch..
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