Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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I noticed your e-brake warnig light is fifferent from the one that both my '66 cars have. Mine are round, is yours typical for '67 b-bodies?
Mines same as his.. my 66 was round also
They must have changed 66 to 67.
Prob part of the major safety changes they did in 67.. (seat belts, collapsible column, dual pot master cylinders, etc)
Does it blink? I know that the plymouth version blinks.
No blink
IIRC my 66 blinked, 67 no blinkie
Neither of my '66's blink, what is "IIRC"?
For people too lazy to type out If I Remember Correctly... cause they waiting for their popcorn to pop
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