Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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I don't know Andy, Mike's Corolla is pretty fast! Smile

67r/t4speeder Wrote:and without Shor T

Bah.. no incentive to race then!
Andy, those o rings are the OMG right and OMG left turn valve. You've got to get it just right. Don't ask me why I call it that. LOL

I would use a good quality O ring.
It looks to be leaking at the flange the return hose goes into, so I shouldnt have to mess with the OMG part LOL thanks
67r/t4speeder Wrote:It looks to be leaking at the flange the return hose goes into, so I shouldnt have to mess with the OMG part LOL thanks
Banana grooving the rocker shaft for better oiling of iron rocker I will be using. One down one to go,I am using a hand file so it takes a while then get them cleaned inside and out.

Nice work.

On the OMG valve, the valve sitting on the box is the adjustment. Not sure if you know that.
Any new updated on Max Andy?

Thanks for asking Richard, just really busy at work lately.

I am not much of a late night burn the candles person but I am a get up WAY TOO early person, so I have been working on Max a little before work.

Here is a sneek peak for your eyes only spy photo

More pics to come soon
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