Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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See last time I had it balanced.
Time for Max to start terrorizing all of the less fortunate Ford's and Chevy's in your area huh Andy? Big GrinBanging GearsCool

thebankerstoy Wrote:Time for Max to start terrorizing all of the less fortunate Ford's and Chevy's in your area huh Andy? Big GrinBanging GearsCool


67r/t4speeder Wrote:Yep

Get em Max!!!!

[Image: GreatWhiteShark4_zpsb923f2a2.jpg?]

Wink Big Grin Banging Gears

*Yawn*... red is so dead these days... blue is where it's at..
Last test and tune day was the first of the season, my best run was a 13.7 100 mph.
Spinning allot first and second then it hooks up.
Seems temperature has allot to do with everything including car. It was cold out, Max seems run best when 80s up out.
Still a fun day and drove home. Always a good day.
I've often thought about how cool it would have been to see a Bright Yellow 66 Coronet in one lane and a cool Red 67 Coronet in the other lane! Banging Gears

Glad you and Max had a great day Andy! Cool


I drive yours if you want Richard
I'd let you do that in a heartbeat Andy but the old girl hasn't been run or even started in a few years now and it has a more street friendly camshaft in it now as well. I believe that it's very happy to be left alone sitting in my garage.

Sure would have been fun to run em against each other back in the day though! Banging Gears

I'd love to watch you guys race... from my rear view mirror Wink
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