Full Version: The Max build = 1967 R/T 440 4-speed Dana-60
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Hmm.. I'm missing something from my garage...
Thank you Andy! A VERY interesting peak of fantastic things to come for Max! Cool

You have piqued our interest on your sneaky peeky peek.
I worked on Max engine most of the holiday weekend, we did take 4th off for hot dogs and lots of explosives at my sons house, it runs in the family Smile BOOM !! .

Mike was kind enough to hook me up with his Eddie heads he wasnt using and that really got me back on track as the 906s I planned on freshining up off old 426 were worn out and needed allot to make Worthy again.

I set the heads up with Max wedge style rockers and shims and spacers instead of the springs on the shafts, making them a little smoother action, the blue spacers from Mopar Performance were used as the stamped steel hold downs wear the rocker edges. I have seen this before and the blocks give more contact are for shims.

My 2x4 intake is a must to reuse as I just like it and has been with Max since the 80s.

The headers had to go bye bye for now due to the raised port of the Eddies so went back with hp manifolds. I was impressed with how well they fit even with the angle plug design.

As of now the 440 is in and transmission goes in next, I had to go away from my old school dual point since it would not clear the edge of the head, so I put a Mopar electronic in the I hope it works well.

I wish I was jamming to get it ready for Carlisle to come hang out with my DCR family, believe me I would be there if allot closer.

Please speak up if you have any suggestions or compliments.


Lookin good Andy!
Looks FANTASTIC Andy! I love that intake manifold and fuel lines and those H.P. exhaust manifolds look GREAT also! I am not Worthy

Looks great Andy!
I didn't actually sell the heads to Andy.. they are on loan.

When I spank Max in a race for pink slips, they'll be back in my garage again Smile
You saw my carport and there is just enough room for ol blue, so don't gimme the"oops I forgot to bring the pink with me" crap
Then all I need is a white one .........geeeze starting sound like Rich
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