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Painting the head & valve cover (one side) After I sprayed it and took the masking tape off some of the paint came off with the tape. Apparently the paint doesn't stick to the shiny machines surfaces. It seems to stick the cast surfaces OK. I decided to paint the heads so they'd be easier to clean - I should have thought this thru. I think I'll try to carefully remove the paint from the machined surfaces and leave the machined areas bare.

When we gonna see it run????

Just finished the intake, gonna bolt on the cylinder heads, order pushrods, check rocker tip to valve stem alignment etc.
Besides the heat, the thing that was holding up the build was the intake. My friend who did the cylinder heads was going to massage the plenum and transitions to the ports. I'd been bugging him for a few months to finish it. He seemed to be dragging his feet, then I got some news. He never mentioned it but he had been is some pain for quite some time and it was getting worse. Turns out he has stage 4 cancer (throughout his whole body and in his bones) I first heard from it from a mutual friend, then he called me the next day to tell me and let me know he couldn't finish the intake. When I stopped buy to pick up the intake he looked pretty bad, said he was in pain and going into therapy ASAP. He didn't give too many details about his condition but I'm afraid that it doesn't sound good for him. I had no idea and I feel really shitty for pestering him about the intake. please pray for my friend Mark.

Time to finish up the intake -

Set up the work bench
[Image: img_20210905_162230246-jpg.1166137]

Getting started

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This is my first time doing this - I'm happy with the results.

[Image: img_20210905_182315074-1-jpg.1166141]
Painted the other head & valve cover

[Image: 1094279-4221c006bd67196f70d6fc5aeed5257f.jpg]
Now I can do some more mock-up to determine the best intake manifold fitment. I bolted on the heads then test fit the intake - I checked for the best port alignment (fore and aft). These manifolds can be mounted backwards because the carb pad is horizontal to the the head surface. I tried it backwards, then swapped the heads and tried the intake again both ways. Turns out it fit best with the first mock up (intake forward) That makes me happy because the Edelbrock script will face forward, on my old engine the intake ended up backward mounted.

[Image: img_20210910_154310180-jpg.1166144]

[Image: img_20210910_154922361-jpg.1166145]

I also bolted on the valley cover to make sure my custom breather box clears - it does.

[Image: img_20210910_154936877-jpg.1166147]

Installed the distributor to make sure there's no interference - it's close!

[Image: img_20210910_155845672-jpg.1166149] [Image: 1094293-e2aac1a41e2442b880db227ff8c46e76.jpg]
Bolt on pan, oil pump and left motor mount assembly to try to figure out how to route the oil pickup line. I'm finding this is not easy when you're using the stock type mounts and a stock K-member. It was compounded by the System 1 oil filter I want to use, it's too big (diameter) and interferes with the oil pickup line routing. I'm gonna have to do something else.

[Image: img_20210910_173424525-jpg.1166157]

[Image: img_20210910_173508403-jpg.1166158]
That's terrible about your friend. He will be in our prayers......

That intake looks just fine!

I would would not sweat the intake port alignment too much. On my Muscle Motors 528, the port alignment was terrible. I mean terrible. When I asked Mike Ware about it, he shrugged his shoulders and said don't matter, but if it makes you feel better here is some epoxy and go at it. So I did. Alignment was spot one when I was done. Zero et or mph difference. Zero. Go figure. All I can think of is that its laminar flow and the protrusions were not affecting the laminar characteristics.
Actually the manifold fits really good - all the port walls line up nicely. After I bolt the heads on with the gaskets I'll check the roof and floor alignment. I realize it wont be perfect but I'll get it as close as possible.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I can understand you feeling bad but there is no way you could have known.
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