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  • [INDENT]I did the same for the fan switch also.

    [Image: img_20201114_213357279-jpg.1028680]

    On the old motor electrolysis ate away at my cylinder heads and I had to get them welded. This time I will use an anode to avoid it. I put one here in the W/P housing. I also put one in the radiator.

    [Image: img_20201114_213415780-jpg.1028681]

    Here is the W/P housing painted and assembled with electric water pump and billet t-stat housing -

    [Image: img_20201114_213732572-jpg.1028682]
    [Image: img_20201114_213717728-jpg.1028683][/INDENT]

  • [INDENT]I finally had a whole (or most) of a day to get some stuff done. I've had the rotating assembly back from balancing for a few weeks, I put the crank / rods & pistons in the block again for some more mock up. This time for the windage screen & crank scraper. I bought a Kit from Dvorak Machine I had to modify it (a lot more than I had anticipated) because of the girdle I'm using. 1. I did not want to use the main studs that came with it because I already had the girdle studs I could use. 2. I couldn't use the scraper in it's intended way either because of how it mounts (more on that later)

    First thing I did was make a cardboard template of the screen to figure out the required mods -

    [Image: img_20201114_134918405-jpg.1028685]

    The screen I got did not have any holes in it so I had to figure out a way to put them in without destroying it. After covering the screen with masking tape so I could mark it, I drilled a 7/16 hole in some scrap 1/4 plate and sandwiched the screen between it and a block of wood. I used a die grinder and carbide bit to "drill" the holes - using the hole in the plate as a guide.

    [Image: img_20201114_143739865-jpg.1028686]

    After drilling the holes and cutting out the screen to match the template I got out my Harbor freight sheet metal brake and put a bend in it.

    [Image: img_20201114_164102598-jpg.1028687]

    And here it is installed - my studs were a hair too short so I ordered longer ones. It came out pretty good, I'm not sure how effective it will be but something is better than nothing.

    [Image: img_20201114_165344245-jpg.1028688][/INDENT]

  • [INDENT]Update -
    I could not use the crank scraper as it was designed because of the girdle. Normally it would bolt on between the pan and block like a factory windage tray. The girdle would space it too far away from the crank. I ended up welding some steel plates into the girdle, drilled and tapped them then cut out pieces of the scraper in the proper shapes to bolt to the welded plates. After I got the scraper(s) adjusted properly I drilled small holes thru the assemblies to permanently locate them.

    [Image: img_20201122_134614505-jpg.1045644]
    [Image: img_20201123_172903565-jpg.1045645]

    [Image: img_20201212_150136074-jpg.1045648]
    [Image: img_20201212_152719924-jpg.1045646]
    [Image: img_20201122_133507217-jpg.1045647]
    [Image: img_20201213_221147804-jpg.1045651][/INDENT]

The payoff for your attention to details should be rewarding. Great job!
Thanks Joe!
Nice work Jeff, ready for this coming season?
Should be -
I couldn't help myself. I didn't like how the ends of the windage screen just "hung" out there, the bend on the one side stiffened it up some but I felt it wasn't enough. I fabbed up a couple brackets to support the ends of the screen. Here is a pic of one end.

[Image: img_20210101_213719882-jpg.1049523]

Now it's time to blow it apart and clean everything up for final assembly. I got a little done last night.
I figured I should replace all the fuel hoses - no sense in taking any chances, I cant remember how old they are. I also need to build the external pickup hose.

[Image: img_20210105_190531109-jpg.1053922]

[Image: img_20210105_195745071-jpg.1053923]
Damned good work Jeff!! Doing work some professional shops would have trouble with (or say "that's close enough")
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